5 Major Blogs
7 Playlists
90k+ Streams

Sienna Liggins - FlowerBomb

Flowerbomb was Sienna’s debut release and she wanted to get it covered by media outlets, So with that being our main goal with this release we prioritize getting media attention. We only had 3 weeks to prepare for this debut release but the timing and the summer nature of track was perfectly aligned which worked in our favor. 

Within the first week of release we were able be secure blog placements by Pridesource, MichiganDaily and SubvrtMag along with a major playlist placement by Filtr UK ‘Fresh R&B’. By the third week of release we were able to get on Billboard magazine and BitchMedia mag. Along with getting placed in FeelGood Indie Playlist by Spotify. 

With all the major media outlet placements & Playlist placements, over 90,000 streams were secured within the first seven weeks of the release.

Sienna Liggins - FlowerBomb